Bad Breath

Bad Breath – Toothbrush or Toothpaste?

Flavoured toothpastes will help to hide bad breath, but the primary cause of bad breath is the release of foul-smelling gasses from the bacteria on gums.

While tooth decay and rotting food between teeth will cause bad breath – for most Australians – Bad Breath is from the sticky, colourless bacterial biofilm on gums (sometimes called plaque).

Most Whitening Toothpastes use a type of Fluoride to poison the bacteria in plaque, but this appears to have minimal effect on bad breath.

Of the hundreds of different bacteria in the mouth, the smelliest appear to be the four (4) bacteria associated with both Gum Disease and increased CVD (Cardio-vascular disease).

The best way to remove the sticky, colourless biofilm that causes bad breath is to brush the gums with a toothbrush that uses Broom Technology (AS1032 Standard) Bristles to physically sweep the biofilm off gums.

As most Bamboo and “Normal” (21st century design) toothbrushes have half the number of bristles compared to an AS1032 toothbrush, using a Normal or Bamboo toothbrush to brush gums is NOT usually recommended as they will damage gums unless extremely – repeat extremely – light brushing pressure is used

Normal and Bamboo toothbrushes will damage gums and teeth if all the bristles bend sideways when brushing.

AS1032 Standard toothbrushes (like the Aussie Guiding toothbrushes) MUST have more than enough bristles to effectively sweep the bacteria biofilm off gums when using normal Australian brushing pressure.

To understand how a Classic Aussie toothbrush will improve bad breath take the Guiding Challenge.

The first time you use a Guiding toothbrush do NOT use toothpaste. Simply rinse your mouth and Guiding toothbrush with water and then brush your teeth and gums.

Once the Guiding toothbrush reaches those hard to clean areas of the mouth – where no toothbrush has been before – you will get a very unpleasant taste and smell.

This is the smell people get when you stand near them.

Regularly removing the Bacterial Biofilm from gums will help bad breath – plus pimple problems for most teenagers – and help reduce Gingivitis and CVD (Heart attacks and Strokes).

If you look at how “God or Evolution” designed our bodies – i.e. Anatomy & Physiology – you will understand how Unclean Gums can cause pimples and most of the Health Problems associated with aging and/or living shorter lives.