Extra Bonus

Extra Bonuses of Guiding Toothbrushes

Dentures – Full and Partial
If you have dentures – full or partial – you are going to love your Guiding toothbrush.

You will find the handle of a Guiding toothbrush is the best toothbrush to hold while cleaning your dentures.

If you put your thumb in one thumb grip and the side of your index finger in the other thumb grip the Guiding toothbrush will not roll and twist in your hand when brushing your dentures.

The bristles are designed to use “Broom Technology” to physically sweep plaque and gunk of teeth, gums and dentures. Even without using toothpaste.

You will also find the head size is idea to clean all the tight tricky spots on your dentures.

And when you finish cleaning your dentures you can use the Guiding toothbrush to clean your gums and any remaining teeth.

Cleaning Someone Else’s Teeth Children – Elderly – Special Needs
If someone ever has to clean my teeth, I hope they use a Guiding toothbrush.
The Guiding toothbrush has the best handle to hold and control when brushing someone else’s teeth.
The end of the head is rounded to avoid accidently jabbing them while brushing their teeth.
The Broom Technology bristles will make cleaning their teeth as quick and effective as possible.
The handle was designed to flex when you start applying to much pressure. Excess pressure is not only damaging to gums and causes pain but also reduces the effectiveness of the toothbrush.

I want a Toothbrush like I grew up with
If you are after the type of toothbrushes you grew up with you are going to love my Guiding toothbrushes.
The big American brands have halved the number of bristles in their brushes compared to the old Aussie brands like Tek and Guiding toothbrushes.
This is why they don’t work very well and wear out really quickly.
I went back to the old Australian Standard for Toothbrushes (AS1032) when I designed the Guiding toothbrush.
I squeezed as many bristles into the head as I could so they will work better as a toothbrush and not wear out so quickly. I also designed the bristles to use “Broom Technology” to physically sweep plaque and gunk off teeth and gums – even without using toothpaste. I suspect the big American brands halved the number of bristles in their toothbrushes so people would have to buy their expensive whitening toothpastes or their expensive electric toothbrushes.