The Environment – Guiding and a Different Approach
Our new Classic range of Guiding toothbrushes have a legitimate claim to being the world’s most environmentally friendly toothbrush.
Especially if your biggest environmental concerns are rising CO2 levels and microplastics.
We turn a waste product that would have been burnt into the world’s easiest toothbrush to recycle.
And due to the Broom Tech bristles a Guiding toothbrush will last two to three times longer than a bamboo toothbrush or a current “Normal” toothbrush.
This is important for both Environmental and Financial reasons.
And if you consider 2nd Life, due to the ergonomic design of the handle and all the Broom Tech bristles an Aussie Guiding toothbrush will surpass every other toothbrush as a 2nd Life cleaning tool.
Regardless of whether this is for cleaning fiddly places around the house or car engines in a garage.
While this may NOT sound like Rainbows and Unicorns, when you look past “Green Washing” – advertising slogans – nobody would call a bamboo toothbrush environmentally friendly if they knew how much CO2 was produced to heat the ovens needed to make a bamboo toothbrush.
Bamboo toothbrush handles must spend two days in a high temperature oven which are usually heated by gas (natural gas or LPG). If the bamboo isn’t dried perfectly, the handle will split when the bristles are inserted.
Even if you ignore all the CO2 produced to make a bamboo toothbrush, bamboo toothbrushes are at best, still only carbon neutral. It is better for the environment if you let the bamboo continue to grow rather than cutting it down and turning it into toothbrushes.
And all the biodegradable plastic toothbrushes – which cannot be recycled – still break down to micro plastics.
It is important to realise that a toothbrush handle with more than one colour and/or different types of plastics range from hard to impossible to recycle.
With our new Classic range of Guiding toothbrushes simply snip off the head and throw the handle in the recycle bin. Job Done.
Please remember, each Guiding toothbrush prevented around 20 grams of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. While this is not much, if every Australian used one Guiding toothbrush per year it would be the same as preventing a small car driving 2.6 million Kilometres.
And if a Guiding toothbrush ends up in landfill it will remain a Carbon Sink for literally hundreds of years. With rising CO2 levels all Carbon Sinks are beneficial for the environment.
A Guiding toothbrush is a really good carbon sink due to its hydrophobic properties. It will take literally hundreds of years before it starts to become microplastics.
People regularly request toothbrushes with replaceable heads. It is now nearly impossible to get Product Insurance for toothbrushes with replaceable heads due to injuries and court cases.
Half the Lawyers argued it was poor product design that caused the injury while the other half argued the Consumer did NOT follow the instructions properly when attaching the replaceable head.
Regardless of which Lawyers were correct, it is now nearly impossible to get Product Insurance for toothbrushes with replaceable heads.
I should mention I have tried numerous different toothbrush designs with replaceable heads and I never liked them for hygiene reasons. The cracks and grooves where the head join the neck get filled up with saliva and toothpaste and starts to get a bit “icky” as they are nearly impossible to clean.
A miswak – traditionally made from a tree with antibiotic properties – is probably the most environmentally friendly way for oral hygiene. However – and this needs to be noted – an Aussie Guiding toothbrush will sweep more plaque off gums and whiten teeth better than a miswak, because a miswak – at the end of day – is just a stick. And the Aussie Guiding toothbrush was designed specifically to sweep Plaque off gums and Whiten teeth.
Eating an apple a day is one of the most successful ways to remove plaque from teeth and gums.
Research even shows that people who eat an apple a day do NOT get the health issues now associated with poor gum health – heart attacks, strokes, dementia etc.
However, unless you have access to free apples my Guiding toothbrushes are a much more cost-effective alternative. And this is without mentioning the environmental costs of cold storage.
And lastly, if you use an electric toothbrush, please never buy another one.